Garbage is a polemic that never ends. Even now, environmental pollution due to waste is increasingly worrying. If the waste only ends up in final disposal sites (TPA), of course it will take a very long time for the waste to decompose.
Waste management in Indonesia is still a problem that requires special attention. Based on data from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia; LIPI), there are around 100 thousand to 400 thousand tons of plastic waste entering Indonesian seas per year.
With the accumulation of the same amount of plastic waste every year, by 2050 it is predicted that the amount of plastic waste in the ocean will exceed the amount of marine biota. Specifically for data in Jakarta alone, there are around 7,200 tons of waste in one day.
Concerned about an increasingly polluted environment, Waste4change, a social enterprise in the field of responsible waste management, is here with solutions from upstream to downstream, starting from waste education and consultation, waste handling through the implementation of 3R, to waste reporting.
To date, Waste4Change has succeeded in managing more than 5000 tons of waste and continues to strive to reduce waste that ends up in landfill. In an interview with Fimela.com some time ago, Hana Nur Auliana, who is the Head of Communication & Engagement from Waste4Change, explained the vision and mission being carried out.

Origins of Waste4Change
Before founding Waste4Change, Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano, who is better known as Sano, had already founded the social foundation Greeneration Foundation (GF). GF was founded in 2008 with a focus on activities to encourage the implementation of more sustainable consumption and production behavior. Sano also plays a big role in efforts to save the environment.
His interest in environmental and waste issues began around 1999/2000 when he was looking for inspiration for his college major. Sano majored in Environmental Engineering at ITB. He saw a report about waste in Jakarta and felt interested in learning more about it. Seeing the unresolved waste problem led him to build Waste4Change, a responsible waste management company in 2014.
Waste4Change is a company that operates waste management from upstream to downstream. It contains 4 areas for waste management, namely, consultation for research and studies related to waste. Second, campaign, capacity building, education, and assistance. Third, collect for daily waste transportation and processing for zero waste to landfill. Finally, create waste recycling and an EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) program.
When Waste4Change was first established, it received its first additional capital in 2015 in the form of angel investment from a company owned by Mrs. Suzy Hutomo. Only in 2019 did we get funding again through seed round funding.
Responsible waste management solutions
With a vision as a leader in providing responsible waste management solutions, Waste4Change continues to educate and create various campaigns to raise awareness among the public to be wiser in managing waste. Until 2020, Waste4Change's waste management coverage covers the Jabodetabek area. However, entering 2021, Waste4Change will start to be in Sidoarjo Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, and Medan.
Hana said that changing people's mindset regarding waste is a challenge in itself. For this reason, Waste4Change always educates the public by increasing awareness through awareness regarding the facts at hand, such as the issue of microplastics, etc. so that the public understands more about the importance of good waste management.
The distinctive feature of Waste4Change is the use of the Zero Waste to Landfill method. Waste is sorted from the source, ensuring that everything is processed without any being sent to the final disposal site (TPA), and there is comprehensive waste flow reporting.
Waste4Change manages more than 8,000 tons of waste
Waste4Change is present in 21 cities in Indonesia and manages more than 8,000 pieces of waste per year. All of this waste was collected from more than 100 B2B clients and more than 3,500 residences. Waste4Change itself offers four solutions via the platform. There is Consulting, research and studies related to waste; Campaign, capacity building, education, and mentoring; Collect, transport and process daily waste for zero waste to landfill; and Create waste recycling and implementation of the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) program.
Customers are asked to sort their waste according to Waste4Change guidelines. Then Waste4Change will send officers to their location for the waste to be transported directly by the officers, then provide a detailed report after the process is complete.
Customers also have the option to take waste to one of Waste4Change's drop-off points or send their waste to Waste4Change.

Waste4Change also has a social mission
Waste4Change also has a social mission, especially among waste officers, to better facilitate scavengers or waste lifters, because they are the backbone of the recycling industry.
Waste4Change provides training for waste collection officers so they can work better with safety and increased income than before. They will be facilitated with a safer fleet, so they no longer use carts.
The hope for the future, Waste4Change advises you not to stop learning and try to process waste at home, start from yourself and if you have, slowly we can invite other people, so that the same community can be formed so that it has the same vision, and can be regulated to government because this process requires cooperation from all parties so that it can be carried out well.
How to Contribute:
1. Sort and Pack
Sort and make sure the waste is clean and dry. Pack rubbish properly and safely.
2. Create Transaction
Make a transaction on the website before you deposit the trash. Include SYW on the package.
3. Send Trash
Send waste via expedition or come directly to the nearest Waste4Change partner.
4. Managed Waste
The waste that has arrived will be managed responsibly by Waste4Change partners.
1.Clean Trash
Make sure the trash you send is clean to avoid the spread of germs.
2. Make sure the waste is dry
The waste to be sent must be dry, not wet or damp.
3. Squeeze and Fold
Squeeze and fold waste to maximize shipping space and volume.
4. Pack neatly
Pack waste using cardboard or other packaging. Don't forget to write the SYW code on the package.
Managed Waste
Waste will be managed responsibly and reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill.
Practical and Easy
Simply sort and clean your waste at home and deposit it with the nearest Waste4Change partner.
Prosperity for Operators
Waste that is sorted wisely will make the work of waste management operators easier.
Appreciation Rewards *
Earn points that you can exchange for a wide selection of products.
Contact Us:
Jl. Alun Alun Utara, RT.002/RW.001, Padurenan, Mustika Jaya, Bekasi, West Java 17156
Phone : 0821-1110-0170
Visit Web https://waste4change.com/